Emma Charnock

Emma Charnock

I have been the Headteacher at Stadhampton Primary School since September 2019. I have over twenty-five years’ experience working mostly in village primary schools and a period of time as an associate university lecturer.

After studying at Roehampton Institute, I completed my National Professional Qualification for Headship in 2003 and in 2013 won a National Science Teacher of the Year award which led to being inducted as a Fellow of the Primary Science Teaching Trust. I recently completed my master’s degree in Leadership and Management in Education and am a parent governor and director of Lord Williams’s School Academy Trust in Thame. My vision is to lead Stadhampton to become a thriving learning community that enquires, enjoys and excels.  

The most rewarding aspect of my role is seeing each and every child in our school gaining confidence, knowledge and social skills as well as developing a love for learning.

Being part of the Acer Trust enables us to benefit from close collaboration with our partnership schools, therefore enhancing the educational outcomes for all of our pupils.