Welcome to the website of the Acer Trust. We are a multi academy trust working together to create great places to learn and work. We are based in Oxfordshire in south central England and currently consist of 5 primary schools and 4 secondary schools, educating approximately 6,000 pupils and students between us. Our overriding purpose is to secure the wellbeing and success of all. We aim to achieve this by focusing on the development of every individual as well as improving the education outcomes for every child.
By holding children at the centre of our thinking, the Trust actively creates a positive learning environment in every school which prepares children and young people for success now and in their future lives.
We are proud of the team of people working in our schools who always put children and young people first. We recognise that all members of the Trust have a contribution to make and are committed to ensuring that everyone plays an active role in enabling the success of all learners in the Trust.
The information on this site will give you an indication of our values and approach and show how we bring to life our commitment of “working together to create great places to learn and work”.