Staff Annual Declaration Information

We do an annual declaration to make sure that all staff who work for Acer Trust are clear on Safeguarding, Health and Safety and other key policy areas. This ensures that the Trust is both a good place to work and compliant as an employer and education provider.

We use an online Form for you to complete the Declaration. As part of this, you will need to confirm that you have read various key documents and completed certain tasks, and you will find all the documents and links that you need for the Declaration here. We do recommend that you review these documents and tasks first, as you will not be able to save and return to the form once started.


Key Documents

You will be asked as part of the declaration to confirm that you have read the following documents: 

Model Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (DRAFT)Please note, this policy has been updated in line with KCSiE 2024 and Oxfordshire County Council guidelines. Once approved by the Board of Trustees and School Governing Body, a version of this draft policy including school-specific information (such as the names of key staff and details of how to access key documents) will be circulated to all school staff.  You will not need to read it in full again, as we will provide a summary of any changes from this draft version.

Staff Code of Conduct

Dignity at Work Policy

IT & Data Acceptable Use Policy

Whistleblowing Procedure

Health & Safety PolicyDriving at Work Policy (applicable if you drive for work purposes, even occasionally)


Key Activities

You will be asked as part of the declaration to confirm that you have undertaken the following activities:

  • Declare if you have any exams conflicts of interest.

These exist where:

  1. any member of school staff is taking qualifications at their own centre (school), including internally assessed components/units;
  2. any member of school staff is teaching and preparing members of their family (which includes son/daughter, step-family, foster family and similar close relationships) or close friends for qualifications which include internally assessed components/units.

You can notify us that one of the above applies via the Declaration, and HR will pass your name to the Exams Officer for your school, who will contact you to complete the relevant exams declaration after the Annual Declaration. Full details from JCQ can be found here:

  • Declare any other relevant interests that may influence, or may be seen to influence, your decision making at work. 

Relevant interests may occur where:

  • A close family member works for a company that provides, or may provide, services to the school/Trust.
  • An individual or close family member owns a business that sometimes does work for the school/Trust.
  • An individual is in a relationship with another member of staff, a governor, trustee or Member.
  • An individual also sits on the governing board of another school or trust.
  • An individual's child attends the school at which they work, or another school within the Trust.

Governors and members of TEG should complete their declaration on GovernorHub as usual, and all other staff who have an interest to declare should complete the Declaration of Interests Form.

If you have any questions relating to conflicts of interest, please contact Nicky Hills, Governance Services Manager, at If you’re not sure whether something counts as a conflict of interest, err on the side of caution and declare it.

  • Complete the Driving at Work Form if you drive for work regularly, i.e. for frequent or regular reasons, not for one-off courses or events or taking a student home due to sickness, which are classed as ‘occasional’.


Key Contacts

If you have any questions about the Annual Declaration, or any of the above documents or activities, your HR link will be able to help. Please reach out to them using the following details: (Cooper and Glory Farm) (Chalgrove, Icknield, Stadhampton and Watlington) (Botley, Matthew Arnold and Wood Green) (Central Team)