Acer Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The Trust is responsible for the management of its schools, including educational quality, outcomes, safeguarding and other statutory responsibilities. The Trust’s governance structure is intended to provide robust oversight, support and challenge to ensure an excellent education for all the children in our care.
Three layers of governance fulfil distinct roles in ensuring the success of the Trust and its schools, in accordance with the Trust’s vision, values and principles of governance, which are set out in our Governance Framework. These layers of governance are as follows:
Acer Trust Members are the subscribers to the Trust’s Memorandum of Association and are responsible for the oversight of the Trust Board, including the Board’s effectiveness in discharging its obligations.
The Acer Trust Board is formed of trustees who are collectively responsible for the oversight of the Acer Trust, including its vision, strategy, performance, compliance and governance. The Trust operates a Finance, Risk and Audit Committee to support in the discharge of its financial and regularity obligations.
Each Acer Trust partner school is overseen by a School Governing Body, which is formed of community, ex officio and elected governors. School Governing Bodies are committees of the Trust Board and are responsible for the oversight of their school, including its vision, strategy, performance, compliance and governance. Each School Governing Body may form sub-committees and working groups to support in the discharge of its obligations.
Meet the School Governing Bodies
The Acer Trust Executive Group brings together leaders from across our Trust, who are collectively responsible for the executive leadership of the Acer Trust. We work collaboratively, keeping children in the centre of our thinking, to make strategic decisions that benefit all the pupils and students in our schools.