Gemma Sterjo

Gemma Sterjo

I have the privilege of being the Headteacher at Watlington Primary; a vibrant and driven school, where all children thrive.  Motivated by our motto, ‘Bright Futures’, along with the school community, I am passionate about providing the best possible learning experiences for every child. 

As a leader, I have managed Key Stages, held the role of Acting Deputy and Assistant Headteacher, am an active member of the Governing body, as well as Designated Safeguarding Lead.   

I am a Specialist Leader of Education in Early Years and as part of this role I have worked for the Oxfordshire Early Years team, leading presentations and working with colleagues to share best practice.    

I aim to provide a safe and enriching school experience for every pupil, including prioritising a culture of inclusion and diversity. Led by our core values, I strive to create a purposeful and happy school community, with children at the heart of what we do.  I pride myself on the relationships I have with the school community and prioritise my time to ensure I spend time in the classrooms.   

Being part of the ACER trust allows for collaboration between primary colleagues, as well as strengthening relationships between primary and secondary schools. We share expertise across the trust with teaching and learning, and at an operational level.  Trust, collaboration and opportunity, the trust values, ensure that all stake holders act in the best interests of the children.